Friday, May 15, 2009

Translation Problems

There are some particular problems in the translation process: problems of ambiguity, problems that originate from structural and lexical differences between languages and multiword units like idioms and collocations. Another problem would be the grammar because there are several constructions of grammar poorly understood, in the sense that it isn't clear how they should be represented, or what rules should be used to describe them.
The words that are really hard to translate are frequently the small, common words, whose precise meaning depends heavily on context. Besides, some words are untranslatable when one wishes to remain in the same grammatical category. The question of whether particular words are untranslatable is frequently debated.
For example, it isn't easily to translate a poetry because you need to analyse the words and meaning and after the flow and rhythm (or rhyme). Poetry's most translations are bad. This is principally because the translator knows the foreign language too well and his or her native language too poorly. Some English poetry translations are robotic, do a great disservice to the originals.

Translation Problems:

Problems with the source text:
Text difficult to read or illegible text
Spelled incorrectly or printed incorrectly
Unfinished text
Badly written text

Language problems:
Idiom terms and neologisms
Unsolved acronyms and abbreviations
Proper name of people, organizations, and places.
Slang difficult to understand
Respect to punctuation conventions.

How to teach translation students?
When teaching translation, the first problem for teachers would be the subject. Translation and interpretation are considered together as arts and skills, and teachers must decide from which angle to approach them. If they select art, students will make an infinite series of exercises. If they select skill, students will learn the syntax, accent and terminology.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Inspire Others By Sharing What Inspires You

by: Trevor Hill
It was still dark when my alarm went off. In those first moments of waking, all I could hear was the patter of rain on the window. That just made bed all the more warm and cozy. I listened again and the rain gently continued; surely I could stay a little longer.

Then out of the gloom came the first tentative notes of a blackbird's song. Then some more notes, slightly stronger. The blackbird seemed to be testing for response. It was like we might call inquiringly into an empty house - 'hello' (pause) 'hello?' (longer pause) 'Is there anybody there?'

There was an answer - another bird called quietly. The blackbird sang back and soon another voice joined in. Now the blackbird, getting more confident, launched into the beautiful melody that defines the spring. In just a few minutes, many other birds were roused to take part so that a full chorus announced the dawn.

Birdsong like this I find truly inspiring. Yet if the blackbird had not taken the lead, starting out as a solo voice, the chorus may never have happened. In a way it's the same with us humans.

When others take the lead, conversations can focus on negativity, complaining and narrow horizons. What if you were to share what you find inspiring? You could create some inspiring conversations with two immediate benefits:

1. You will become inspired by telling others about what inspires you

2. You will inevitably inspire some of the people you tell

In the longer term, you will also be encouraging others to tell their inspiring stories: there is a potential generative effect.

Sharing what inspires you may sound fine among close friends but what about the wider picture? You may feel that it would be awkward to share this in certain contexts - at work for instance. Yet these places are often where some inspiring input is needed most.

No one wants to be labelled 'wacky' so when we share our inspiring stories, we can do it with social skill and sensitivity.

Here are some suggestions where you could start:

1. Art (in its widest sense) is a great place to start. Whether it is music, film, painting, writing or whatever, our culture already gives us 'permission' to find it inspiring. What art experience do you find inspiring?

2. The natural world is another area where people feel comfortable about expressing inspiration. This is helped by the increasing awareness and concern for our natural environment. Like my account of the dawn chorus, what do you find inspiring in the natural world?

3. Biographies - life stories - are another category where we can share inspiration. Who inspires you? What is the reason? Who would be in your top 10?

4. You may have a good cause or favourite charity that generates inspiring stories. This covers a whole range of possibilities and, when you look at the generosity of donations, you can see that many people are inspired by them. What cause do you find inspiring?

So whether it is over lunch, in the office or on the road, there will be opportunities to share what you find inspiring. Take the lead and watch for the difference you will make!

About The Author
Trevor helps people who want to be energised, motivated and fulfilled, especially in their working lives. If you would like to receive regular articles like this one or get a FREE copy of Trevor's 'Passport To Inspiration' simply sign-up at

3 Solutions To developing A Positive Attitude

by: Dan Sayers
In today's rat race, it is ever more important to be on top of your game and have a 'I can do this' attitude to take on the challenges of life. Like most things a positive attitude is not something that occurs overnight. Much like you dedicate time every week to lifting weights in order to build your physical body, you must dedicate time to build your mental body.

In this article, I will give you 3 ways to help you create a positive attitude.

1 - The Social Factor

The truth of the matter is - the people you choose to be with the majority of your time influence how you behave the most If most of your friends are sorry sods it is more than likely that over time you will share the same glum attitude they possess.

The solution?

Be outgoing. Go and seek out people whom you believe will be a positive influence on your life. This could be people on your local sports team or your siblings. What you want to learn from them is the way in which they have developed their attitudes and behaviours

2 - The Human Constant

Another matter of truth - We as people subconsciously devote efforts to making our picture of reality constant. This is why we build psychological resistance to change.

So how do we make use of this?

Make a positive attitude a constant factor in your life! A vision board is a large board you can place in your room or office where you make a collage of the things that comprise your vision. For example, if you want to develop a positive attitude, you might place pictures of people with healthy attitudes you want to role model or strategies you want to implement to make your goal a reality. Also, you can put post-it notes everywhere, reminding you of your goal and keeping it a constant in your life; in your car, on your desk, on the kitchen bench, everywhere! For example, the post it note could read: 'I have a positive attitude'

3 - Mind Monitoring

The third way to develop a useful attitude is to have positive self talk. This means keeping watch of your train of thought. If you have a lot of negative thoughts like 'I'm not good enough and 'I'm useless' its time to give your brain a shakeup. Focus on disrupting negative thought patterns and replacing these with positive or motivational patterns.

To further combat your negativity, whenever you find yourself talking negatively, cut that as well. Replace it with a positive or neutral topic or say nothing at all.

If you want further information, I recommend my calm nerves website, a review of a book which details mind strategies for success in life, including steps on how to build a positive attitude.

About The Author
Dan Sayers has read various self help books by popular authors including Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle.

How Well Do You Listen?

by: Neil Graber
Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. It means being attentive to the other person and doing more than just creating the impression the conversation is important to you. You need to show the other person that you value what they are saying by giving them your full attention. Your ability to listen will have an impact on your effectiveness at work and home as well as your success in relationships with others.

One would think we are better listeners than what we really are considering the importance of hearing what others say. Some studies identify we hear somewhere between 20 – 50% of what another is sharing with us. Most of us would not want our relationships or our success determined with those odds.

By becoming a better listener, we will understand others better, have more facts upon which decisions can be based, will avoid some conflicts as we hear all the facts presented, and will better relate to what the other individual is feeling. I’m sure you have heard the term “active listener” before, but let’s take a few moments to review what that really means.

- Pay attention to the other individual – focus on the speaker and ignore the distractions around you. Don’t attempt to guess where the person is going with the conversation or how you will respond. Watch the speaker’s body language as well as listening to their words.

- Demonstrate you are listening – with your own body language and gestures show the other individual you are completely focusing on their words. At appropriate times, provide small verbal comments so they know you are listening..

- Give feedback to the speaker – to ensure you are understanding the message they are sharing, repeat certain information back to the speaker or ask clarifying questions.

- Don’t interrupt – allow the speakers to keep their train of thought and finish their message.

- Respond once they have finished talking – at the end of the message, the speaker is most likely looking for your response. When providing your comments, be open and candid, but also be respectful and caring in your words.

When listening over the telephone or the computer, you may also wish to jot down notes to later reference when providing feedback or asking questions. As you do not have the ability to see the person speaking in this case, listen more carefully to the words and how they are conveyed.

As in the case of listening over the phone, to truly hear what people are saying, you need to also listen to what they are not saying. Listen carefully to detect feelings or unsaid words in the conversation, or if certain words are given extra emphasis and others less emphasis. Each may impact the overall message more than just the words that are actually said.

Being a good listener will require concentration and perhaps breaking some of the listening habits we possess today. For the most part, focus on the other individual and what they are saying, wait for them to finish, and think before you begin to rattle off a response. Effective listening skills are critical to your success in creating and keeping relationships. Now perhaps we will understand why we have two ears and only one mouth.

About The Author
Neil Graber, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Neil can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Success

The Meaning of Success

The Meaning of Success
Success, would you know it if you found it? It is difficult to measure success since the yardstick of success is nebulous and ever changing. Is success a destination or the journey? “On my way to success, I lost my happiness. How I wish I had smelt the roses! ”, laments an anonymous writer. But tread we must the lonely road to success. Sir Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister once said that “Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm”. As one of the great leaders of the last century he should know.

This theme has been repeated often in our poetry, literature and plays. Who can forget the poignant story written by Robert Bruce and the famous quote, “Try, try and try again, until you succeed.”

Learned men have always said that success is something that cannot be measured and differs from person to person. All of us want to succeed in our own unique way and we strive for it. But what is success is unknown to many of us. Are fame, name and money success? Can you term material gains as success in an individual’s life? The answer is a big NO. Motivational and Personal Development experts feel that happiness is the answer to success. In this material driven world if a person can stay happy through his highs and lows then it can be called success.

The poet David Frost said that ‘don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally’. How true. If you are passionate about what you do, you are sure to excel in that field, leading to success in your career. Professional success leads not only to happiness but also to innovate in your chosen field. If every individual can identify their core strength and work on it then success is sure to be achieved leading to happiness and satisfaction. Whether you are an artist or a writer or a doctor or a software programmer, being ardent and fervent about your work will show in what you do, leading to fame and name. Many achievers have said that once you achieve success you feel empty inside. But I beg to differ. If you are committed to your work with passion and zeal you won’t feel lonely. Professional success is like an aphrodisiac. You will want to achieve it again and again. British author Michael Korda says that ‘Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do. If you are in a job you hate, face the fact squarely and get out’.

We must attract success not chase it.

Many times, it is seen that a person with tremendous leadership traits, fails when he sets up his own shop. Qualities like hard work, tenacity and perseverance which seemed an asset somehow turn into a liability. This is due to the fact that they fail to take any responsibility. Don’t play blame games in case of failure. As an entrepreneur, you have to accept that the buck stops with you, each and every time. Taking responsibility is a major act of a true leader. All these attributes in a leader helps him in attaining success.

Abraham Lincoln, lost the Presidential election eight times before he finally became the President. His purpose and goals were clear in his mind and he did not give up. He said “try and try until you succeed” and that’s exactly what he did. Success and failure are like two sides of a coin. Sometimes it is heads and other times tails. If you can accept both with positive attitude, you are sure to succeed. The purpose of experiencing failure is to appreciate success when it comes to you.

‘I think we worry about failure too much. I don’t think that failure very often can hurt anybody. Its fear of failure that will absolutely destroy you’ says the learned Jack Lemmon. Just as the story of a spider inspired Robert Bruce to try and win his battle, it’s only your guts, determination and motivation that help you to achieve success in life.

Even in personal life success depends on a positive attitude, motivation to stay in a relationship as well as being sincere and dedicated to your loved ones which lead to success in the relationship. Very often we confuse issues and get side tracked leading to despair and heart ache. It is always wise to look at your cup half full. Achievement and motivation are like Siamese twins. One doesn’t exist without the other. When these two go hand in hand success is certain. This is true not only to professional life but to personal life as well.

‘The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed’ Lloyd Jones

Instead of just lamenting that you are not lucky enough to get success it is better to catch the bull by its horns. Take charge of your life and set about by starting with a positive thought. A single positive thought can lead to many big achievements in life. Consider for a moment the Law of Attraction; Rhonda Byrne in her book ‘The Secret’ says that, thoughts are powerful and transform themselves into things. We are like communication towers transmitting at different frequencies. When we transmit powerful positive signals which reach out to the universe, it brings forth beautiful and fruitful results in the form of success. If you transmit sad and negative thoughts you only get what you have transmitted.

This is the difference between success and failure. Be clear in your mind what you are asking for. Remember there is no limit, no constraint to thinking big.

Success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction- says Al Bernstein. "There is no failure only feedback" is a cornerstone of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

And finally, real success is achieved when there is undisturbed peace of mind.

About The Author

Daniel Britton is a UK based Author, Inspirational Speaker and Success Coach. For more success related resources visit the SuccessBlog at and for a great FREE book to get you started go to

How To Simplify Your Life and Reduce Clutter

by: Marilyn Bohn
People often ask me how they can find more time in their day to do all the things they want or need to do. Do you have time to do fun things with your family and friends? Do you have time to do all the things you have scheduled to do every day? As a professional organizer I suggest it may be as easy as getting rid of clutter and simplifying your life and your schedule to help you find time for everything you have “on your plate”.

So how do you simplify your life? Here are 11 simple tips to do just that:

Do you feel you are a slave to electronics? I was faxing some information one day and I was telling the machine to hurry up. A co-worker pointed out that technology has made us impatient. A fax gets information to another person in a matter of seconds where it used to take hours or days for the person to receive the information and yet I was complaining that it was taking a few extra seconds.

Take a look at all of the technology you are tied to. It can be overwhelming. Set boundaries for all of your technical gadgets. For example: Screen calls using caller ID. Let your answering machine or voice mail take some of your calls. On your automated greeting, make it clear when you are available and when you are not available. Set a specific time each day to return calls, and return emails. Set a timer for the amount of time you will surf on the internet. By limiting yourself to a specific time to be on the computer it will free you up to do other things.

Do you feel you are on information overload? Information sources are seemingly unlimited, narrow your focus. Cut back on the number of publications you subscribe to. This will immediately help you in getting rid of clutter because you stopped clutter before it started to pile up in your home.

Limit yourself to the number of websites you visit for information. Focus solely on the main sources you rely on most. That is not to say not to branch out, just don’t get lost in all the sources there are to get information.

I teach classes as a professional organizer and I ask my students if they watch television. I am surprised at the amount of people who say they don’t watch any TV. I have certain shows I watch and I set my timer to remind me when they will start so I don’t have to have the TV on before the show starts and possibly get sucked into watching another show. If you are a TV watcher tally up how many hours you spend watching TV on a daily basis. Cut the number of hours the TV is on and plan activities with your family instead or do something nice for yourself.

Another way to simplify your life and get rid of clutter is to make a place that is your own private sanctuary. Make a place where you can find peace and solitude. It may be your bedroom, a patio or maybe in the bathroom where you can lock the door and turn up the music so you can’t hear little hands pounding on the door asking you what you are doing. Set aside a few minutes every day to sit, relax, meditate or do nothing. Or your sanctuary may be to take a walk where you can plan and think about things meaningful to you.

By getting rid of clutter and simplifying your life you will be happier, and have more hours in your day to do what you want and need to do. You'll have time to stop and smell the roses.

About The Author
Marilyn is a professional organizer who works with women and seniors in clearing clutter and providing organizing tips. Clearing clutter helps those she works with to have less stress in their lives and feel more joy in living.

Marilyn invites you to visit her website where you can find organizing solutions. You will find fun stories and free organizing tips in her blogs, articles and videos.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Brian McKnight Back at one 2